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ONYX is foremost about helping emerging leaders begin a journey dealing with and healing from their pain and therefore becoming more fully human. It is about becoming awake and aware of who one is, and all that they are in God. We help them detach from an over-identification with their thinking, feelings, and past baggage. It is about freedom, about the Gospel.

Participants spend a year, 48 weeks, together in community with the aim that they become wounded healers, and bring encouragement and empowerment to all those they served in all their contexts. They share their resources and most of the students pay their own tuition fees rather than receive support from their churches or NGOs. In Kampong Leng district at Kampong Chnang province, one of the former ONYX students has been hosting the ONYX class for her area with coaching and curriculum from DOVE.  With students sacrificing their own resources for the program led by young motivated leaders, ONYX is growing deeper and wider in Cambodia.   

Mrs. Sarady the new DOVE director is an emerging leader who has the vision to expand the ONYX movement to other provinces such as Mondulkiri and Siem Reap province. Mrs. Serey the ONYX Manager also has a passion to train former ONYX students to facilitate the class and bring ONYX to those they served in all their contexts.  ONYX is on the move! 

Consider being part of a Virtual Justice Journey with DOVE in 2021!  Learn more at our December 27 Just 58 event.  Hear from one of our Cambodian partners talk about small groups of people changing the world in our Cambodia video here

This newspost was written by Tenth Liason in Phnom Penh, Mr. Un Makara.  Makara has been a vital part of our Global Mentors program which about mutual spiritual transformation for mission leaders. Global Mentors uses Survival Guide for the Soul as the first-year framework. 

Pictures are of (1) DOVE Leadership team at the beach (2) Onyx extension at Kampong Leng