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This month, we are bringing our attention to Cambodia! Cambodia has been Tenth Global’s central long-term missions focus for over fourteen years.

Genocide devastated Cambodia in the 1970s, and the grief and injustice of this still impacts the people of Cambodia today, but local leaders are creating long-lasting change through loving relationships and passion for justice. Tenth Global has been walking alongside ten Cambodian partners since 2006. Since then, "exploited women have found hope, children have been educated in safe places, sustainable businesses have been established, and strong leaders have risen up to create transformational change in their communities" (Patrick, Pastor of International Missions).

It is always small groups of people who bring about the most change. Small groups of dedicated leaders, full of a passion for justice, who start social movements and make a global impact. Tenth Global is blessed to know so many of these dedicated leaders in Cambodia, so that we get to witness the power of this passion and love overflowing.

Tenth Global’s prayer for this season is that we all grow in hope, and stand for justice! We invite you to join us in this prayer.

To find out more about Tenth Global's long term partnerships in Cambodia, click here.