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We are meant to be spent for the benefit of others.  We don’t have to look far to see how empty life can be when it is spent on selfish ambition and vainglory*. 

Giving our time, talent and/or treasure for the benefit of others not only brings about a better world, but it brings about a better self.  Paraphrased, Isaiah 58:10 says that when we spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry and oppressed, we gain strength, guidance and satisfaction.

Here are a few ways that you can give towards our Cambodia engagement:

  1. Support a Cambodia event.
  2. Share your skill or talent on a Cambodia support team.
  3. Participate in a Cambodia Justice Journey.
  4. Sign-up to receive Tenth Global news.
  5. Support Tenth’s vision in Cambodia financially.

NOTE: When giving a financial gift to missions, please indicate if it to go to the Cambodia Fund, Missions Fund or Refugee Fund.  

So many names come to mind when I think of dedicated people from Tenth who have spent their time, talent and treasure for Cambodia.  One such person is Timothy, who went on a Justice Journey in July 2017.  After returning to Vancouver, he has continued to support Tenth’s activities in Cambodia by developing websites, providing marketing advice and helping set up a business as mission venture with our partners.  Perhaps, you too have a skill or talent that would benefit Cambodia. 

If you have any questions about getting more engaged in Cambodia, shoot me off an email and see where that takes us. 

Patrick Elaschuk l   Pastor of International Missions  l


PS* Vainglory definition: inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity.