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This is latest update from Zak, from April 30, 2021. He is one of our global partners working with Hope House, a family-style children’s home providing hope for a forgotten generation. You can read the previous post here

Good evening!

I am grateful to write with a testimony of how the Lord has provided for us.

We have fundraised for what we initially believe the repairs will cost, although the extent of the damage is not fully known because we have had to move out of the home during the lockdown and we cannot get anyone in to inspect the damage.

Some of the extra funds will be used to cover the increase in costs for daily food. Due to the lockdown food stability is in question and prices have gone up. Furthermore, the markets where we get our bulk food have all since closed and as a result we are shopping at supermarkets which has increased costs dramatically.

Additionally, we have been able to use donated clothing to replace some of our boys' clothing and toiletries, however, they will still need new uniforms, backpacks, underwear, new beds and bedding to list a few.

I am sending this update to ensure everyone is aware that giving for repairs is not required. However, if anyone would like to continue to give or give on a recurring basis, the kids are still in need of ongoing funds for several things, including:

  • Medical costs (we have 5 special needs kids and 1 other child with a double twisted heart needing eventual surgery, doctors estimate his life will not exceed approximately 30 without a new heart)
  • Professional Counselling and Trauma Care (from the fire but also as they grow up they are recalling memories from their traumatic pasts. Many, if not all, are experiencing symptoms of PTSD, 40$ per child per session, we have 15 children)
  • Ongoing dental checkups and dental care
  • School costs and extracurricular activities (some kids want to learn music, others want to do sports, these are all additional costs)
  • Increased caregiver costs (we have increased salaries slightly in order to provide higher quality care and in home care and instruction for our special needs children as well as greater capacity to care for each child's emotional, spiritual, and mental health needs as the majority of them are entering their teen years)

All of our kids have been rescued from lives of severe abuse and/or sexual exploitation and our goal is to raise them in a family home, not an orphanage, where they learn and experience the love of Christ through family.

We are deeply thankful to each and every person who has supported us through this challenging time and we look forward to partnering in the future.

If there are questions about any of this information or about partnering with us, either financially or otherwise, please contact me directly. 

Again, thank you both for your prayers and your support. God bless you and the Tenth family for your generous giving.

I am also including several photos from the damage and a few of what the kids are up to now! 

Thank you for your continued support through reading and praying. Should you feel led to support financially, you can donate through the The Great Commission Foundation and write “Hope House” in the comment box.