The following is an update from Zak. He is one of our global partners working with Hope House, a family-style children’s home providing hope for a forgotten generation.
Good evening to you all!
I am grateful yet simultaneously saddened to be writing to you right now.
As you know, I have been helping to oversee and manage our children's home in the recent months. With that has come incredible challenges and amazing victories through Christ.
The ongoing city-wide lockdown and district travel ban has called food stability into question and water is running short. This creates many problems as you can imagine. This however is not my appeal I write about today.
Today I write to you today with a heavy heart. Yesterday afternoon our home experienced a large fire and destroyed a large part of the inside of the children's house, Hope House.
The entire boys room and boys floor is demolished and we have now been displaced. All 14 children and 3 caregivers including 2 ex-pats (including myself) are at our office. Furthermore, smoke has damaged many other parts of the house including common living spaces and a smaller part of the outside of the house.
I write this e-mail to ask that you please pray and consider giving to our ministry in order to purchase urgent essentials, such as:
In this season I know many people are tight with budgets and finances, so I ask only that you pray and consider giving to help us in this recovery process. Furthermore, please share this request with those you are close to and near to.
Giving can be done through:
All funds for this will be directly used to benefit the recovery process. I want to conclude by thanking each of you for your prayers and your ongoing giving as well as praying about further support for this time. We are grateful no one was seriously hurt or injured and the Lord permitted us to cross 2 military police checkpoints without any documentation in order to have a safe place to sleep and to live until repairs can be made at the home.
If you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me.
Blessings in Christ.
- Zak
As of April 27, 2021 - Hope House has reached their goal for initial house repairs. They are now fundraising for: medical costs, school costs, counselling, transportation for school & extracurriculars, special needs education and support, as well as all other annual costs for food and operating the home. If you would still like to contribute, you are welcome to donate to the Canadian donors link, with “Hope House” in the comment box. You can read the update here.
We invite you to respond as you feel led. Thank you for reading.