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Collaborate about redemptive entrepreneurship and business as mission with Kevin and Carissa from Kaleo Labs. 
Hosting the discussion will be Global Pastor Patrick Elaschuk and Global Coordinator Ana Velazquez from Tenth Church.
What is Kaleo Labs?
Kaleo Labs seeks to equip Christian-led organizations to become more redemptive, sustainable, and impact-oriented, so together, they can address societal problems and bring hope and healing to their communities.

Kaleo Labs envision a world where businesses, social enterprises, non-profits, ministries and churches converge to address societal issues while sharing the message of hope through Christ-like love and meaningful action.  

Kevin McKay is the Chief Catalyst and Co-Founder of Kaleo Labs, and is a super good friend of ours from Toronto.

Carissa Youssef is the Board Chair of Kaleo Labs and the Executive Director of One Days Wages - and is also a dear friend! 

Mexican Breakfast!
You will experience a taste of Mexico as we eat breakfast together in Maria's Mexican restaurant - The Tamaly Shop, fashioned after her grandmother's kitchen in Mexico. 
Breakfast and discussion will be from 8-10am
Address:  2525 Main St. Vancouver BC  View map

We look forward to being together!

TICKETS: $15 includes breakfast and beverages. Seats are limited. 

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