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It has been a very exciting fall as Tenth has welcomed 3 young refugee women as they settle into life in Vancouver. But each refugee we meet is in touch with other refugee claimants who don't have the advantage of a support group, so the generosity of our church congregation is vital to meeting the basic needs of these newcomers.

To highlight our current opportunities:

  • Come and hear an interview with one of our Tenth supported refugee families at a breakfast at the Vancouver Club hosted by City in Focus. Tickets are available here.
  • We are looking to furnish a home for 2 women who own nothing but the contents of their suitcases. If you can provide any furniture or household items, please complete and submit a donation form here; you will be contacted if we can use the item.
  • For Christmas, we would like to provide gift baskets to all our refugee families. If you or a small group would like to contribute, please email to receive details on a family. We ask that you contribute a $50 Superstore gift card and a stocking full of gifts for each of the children in the family, and we will give you directions on delivering these items. Unfortunately, we cannot pick up donated Christmas baskets.  
  • Our last refugee community meal before Christmas will be Dec 10th and it will be a Christmas party! We would love some volunteers to help decorate, cook, or shop for a few small gifts for kids. If you are able to assist in any of these items, please reply to Hannah at! Location: Killarney Park MB Church (6426 Kerr St, Van.). Potluck style, with no pork or nuts. 
  • Discover more ways of engagement by checking out this page

Tenth has become a model for other churches who are interested in getting involved in refugee work, and our partnership with Journey Home Community and Killarney Park MB Church has been a blessing to many.

Mim, Hannah and Tenth's Refugee Support Team