This Friday Pastor Aisling is back with Parent Connect! As we look towards the end of the year, the conversation will be centred around finding and celebrating purpose as parents.
I'm looking forward to hearing the ways the conversation is impactful for you and how you as a parent can encourage others in the room! We're looking forward to having you here in the Staff Lounge at Drop-Off time for CREO!
While that is going on, our students will be exploring how they can connect with God every day through prayer. We'll be digging into why prayer can be awkward or hard to practice, what we're communicating when we pray and remind ourselves that God accepts us exactly as we are!
Lastly, a quick reminder that CREO is off next Friday (May 17th) due to the May Long Weekend. We hope you and your family have a restful, weather-cooperating, break!
CREO is all about creating spaces for students to discover Christ in belonging, identity, and purpose. Follow @creoyouth on Instagram or visit for updates.