Missions Fest Vancouver is a weekend event for everyone. You’re invited to come for an hour, a day, or the whole weekend. General Admission is free, but registration is required.
This year our theme is "Mission: Discipling"
Take some time and join us on the weekend of January 18-20, 2019 to explore our missional call into discipling! There will be 70+ seminars, a Film Festival, General Sessions with great speakers from around the world, and the opportunity to connect with over 250 mission agencies who would be happy to collaborate with you in your journey.
Hope to see you there!
Patrick Elaschuk l Pastor of International Missions, Tenth Church
Recommended seminars / sessions:
- Friendship with Cousins: Friday at 1:00 pm, Level 2, Room 14 - Habib Abdo, Every Nation
- There are many Cousins around us. This seminar could answer these questions: How do we build relationship with Cousins? Can we share the Gospel with them? If so, how we can do that?
- Challenges and Obstacles in Reconciliation: Saturday at 3:30 pm, Level 2, Room 1-3 - Salim Munayer and Lisa Loden, Musalaha & Lausanne Initiative for Reconciliation in Israel and Palestine
- What we have learned from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- Women + Cities: Saturday at 5:00 pm, Level 2, Room 1-3 - Ruthie Kim, Because Justice Matters
- This seminar will explore challenges facing women in low income urban communities, alongside strategies for healing, empowerment and justice.
- Mental Health and the Church: Sunday at 2:00 pm, Level 2, Room 11 - Daniel Whitehead, Sanctuary Mental Health Ministry
- As Christians we are invited to serve God and to participate in ministry. Yet how do we minister, and how do we hold onto hope in the midst of languishing mental health? This workshop will introduce you to the vital role of the Church in supporting mental health recovery.
- Child Sex Trafficking in BC: Sunday at 2:00 pm, Level 2, Room 13 - Cathy Peters, Dr. Melanie Ryper
- Child Sex Trafficking in BC is pandemic and local. The gospel "sets the captives free". Cathy and Melanie give an overview of how disciples of Jesus Christ can expose and stop this crime.
- Immigration, exploitation and farming in rural Cambodia: Sunday at 2:00 pm, Level 2, Room 18 - Brian McConaghy, Ratanak International
- Exploitation presents complex immigration issues in Canada and around the world. Learn how an Irish immigrant made the unlikely trek from Canada to Cambodia, how his life’s work became about serving the vulnerable and marginalized, and how programs in rural Cambodia are preventing human trafficking.
- General Session: Mark Anderson with Worship Central - Friday 7:00 PM, Exhibition Hall A (Main Stage)
- General Session: Salim Munayer & Lisa Loden with Worship Central - Saturday 9:30 AM, Exhibition Hall A (Main Stage)
- General Session: Ruthie Kim with Worship Central - Saturday 1:30 PM, Exhibition Hall A (Main Stage)
- Mini Conference: Lessons Learned from Reconciliation - Friday, January 18, 1:00–5:00pm, Level 2, Meeting Room 12
- In an age of increasing ideological polarization, uncontrolled dissemination of dangerously ignorant propaganda, and the proliferation of hate crimes, we desperately need to grow in expressing true Christian faith which teaches by word and deed that every human being is made in God’s image, and we need to be reminded of our Christian hope for a coming world of peace, shalom, and salam.
- Co-presented by: Temera Millar, NAIM, Lisa Loden and Salim Munayer, Musalaha
- (Free) Registration online required