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One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving. -Amy Carmichael

Who was Amy Carmichael?

Amy Carmichael was an Irish missionary to India. She is known for opening a safe house called Dohnavur Fellowship after rescuing children from being trafficked in Hindu temples. She served in India for fifty-five years without a furlough, and in the last twenty years of her life, she remained bedridden and wrote several books and poems about her deep love for Christ. Her dedication to serving God has inspired many Christians to become missionaries and to remain steadfast in their faith.

If you would like to love our mission partners through the giving of finances, here is what you can do. 

1.  Consider to which fund(s) you would like to donate.

  • Missions Fund goes to our 20 own global workers and 30-50% goes to our missionaries with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
  • Cambodia Fund goes to our 10 global partners and global workers. 
  • Refugee Fund goes to local work settling refugee families and supports work in refugee camps in Lebanon.  

2.  Give online by cheque or PAD.  

  • Please indicate which fund you would like your donation to go to, but please do not print that on the cheque.
  • Consider giving a monthly donation.  
  • Remember that administration fees are covered by our 'in-house staff,' which means all the money gets to the field.  

May Amy's life encourage us to follow Jesus into the places he takes us.

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