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We are so grateful for the resources God has given us at Tenth in our calling to 'fish for people.'  Hundreds of dear folks like yourself have volunteered and donated in serving Tenth as we achieve our local and global mission goals. Thank you!  

Missions Funds

Not everybody knows this, but the way that we receive funds to support our global partners and missionaries is when people allocate their Tenth offering to one of our three missions funds. These funds do not receive money from the general fund, which is the fund where the tithes go. 

People have told me that they appreciate the fact that Tenth acts as a mini-missions agency managing partnerships, thus not having large admin fees as our missions admin is handled by our in house team. It is a gift to our partners that we can offer this service combined with the coaching and support from Tenth congregants. 

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

If you happened to be at the AGM, you would have noticed that income for the missions fund increased significantly this year to $538,688.  The reasons are as following:

  • The Missions Fund included the Book Fund of around $100,000 from the proceeds of Ken Shigematsu's books. In 2018, book fund income went to World Vision's program Ending Violence against Children and Alongsiders Shalom Valley Camp.
  • Income and expenses for the 56 people that went on Justice Journeys amounting to over $100,000 were included in the Missions Fund total.
  • Over $100,000 was sent to Global Advance with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

We are grateful for a strong year with Tenth Global

  • The current state reality is that our mission giving to our own projects and missionaries has decreased in the past year.  We were able to meet our 2018-2019 obligations by utilizing our missions fund reserve.  
  • We believe 2020 will be a significant year, where more Tenth folks go deeper with God, and reach out for others.  Please stand with us in prayer as our 50 partners continue to do justly and love mercy as they walk humbly with God.  
  • As you think and pray about which organizations that you may want to give a year-end gift to, you may be interested in giving to the missions fund which supports all our global missions activities.

Tenth Global has 3 Missions Funds

  1. The Missions Fund - From this fund, we commit:

    • $120,000 per year to 30 global missionaries. 

    • $110,000 per year to Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) missionaries.

    • $50,000 per year to 10 other partners around the world.  
  2. The Cambodia Fund - This fund supports our 10 Cambodian partners.

    • We have agreements with Cambodian partners for $100,000 to $150,000 per year.

  3. The Refugee Fund - From here, we support all our refugee families with primary, secondary, and tertiary support. 

    • We have a reach of more than 20 refugee families and our annual budget for this is $40,000. 

To give a year-end donation, click here.

  •   You can choose to give to either the Missions Fund, the Cambodia Fund, or the Refugee Fund.  

May God richly bless you in every way this Christmas season, as you bless others.  


Patrick and the Missions Leadership Team

 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people." Matthew 4:19

Photo credit: Ethan Cairns  l   Man fishing along the river in Cambodia