Those that God used in the past were just ordinary people with an extraordinary Master. They were not all champions of great faith, but little people who saw their own need, and put their small faith in a great God. Winkie Pratney
We all experienced wonder as Alongsiders and leaders converged at Shalom Valley in Cambodia, realizing that the movement is built on ordinary people putting their small faith in a great God.
3 in 1: I facilitated 1 team, functioning in 3 parts
1. Business is Mission Highlights - led by Ana and Roger
2. Film Team Overview - led by Joel and Kara
3. Alongsiders Insights - led by Lee
There are so many stories to share from all our partners including our own Kevin and Leakhena Knight with Manna4Life and Zak and Andrea Koftinoff with Extreme Love. Keep reading Global News over the upcoming months to be encouraged by what God is doing making disciples of all nations.
What’s next?
Should Cambodia be striking a responsive chord in your soul and spirit, let me know and let’s have a chat about it. Email me at [email protected]
NOTE: Picture above is from a training session for Alongsiders and partner ministries, facilitated by Lee