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Each year, 1.2 million people are moved into a life of slavery, and Zak is passionate about making a difference by sharing the transformative love of Jesus. Zak is a missionary in partnership with Tenth, and has spent time in Vancouver recently in deep rest, healing, and learning. It has been a time of great support, but also uncertainty because Zak has been unable to return to Cambodia due to COVID-19.

His time in Vancouver is coming to a close, and he will soon return to Cambodia to continue his work with Extreme Love Ministries. Zak’s time in Vancouver has been full of personal growth, and he has found it healing to spend time with his community here. It is our prayer for him that he would continue to deepen his relationship with God and heart for justice as he prepares to return to Cambodia and live out the things that the Lord has been teaching him.

Disaster relief and trafficking prevention is critical work in Cambodia, as COVID-19 has made already vulnerable populations even more susceptible to exploitation. Every single day, women, men, and children are bought and sold, and Zak is anxious to be back on the front lines in Cambodia to fight this exploitation.

Zak will be hosting the JUST58 film screening and discussion on August 13, sharing stories about justice and Cambodia, and he would love to see you there. On August 30, we will spend some time encouraging and praying for Zak as he embraces the next season of missions in Cambodia, fighting trafficking alongside Extreme Love Ministries and Love Justice International.

If you’d like to find out more about the film screenings Zak is hosting, click here.

If you’d like to hear more from Zak, check out his blog here.