There’s no better way to start your week off then getting to our Monday Gathering. Our Creo Band leads us in powerful times of worship, we speak into what is relevant for our lives and culture, and we gather in our Houses, these are our Small Groups.

7.15pm Mt. Pleasant
11 W 10th Ave. Van


Everything we do at Creo is based on friendships. Houses are our way of having an incredible amount of fun, building friendships and pursuing Jesus.You will be recruited into one of the Houses (small groups). Here, we do life and relationships. These will be the people you get to know on a deeper level.


Once a month we have House Hangouts. The 3rd Monday of each month instead of Gathering all together, we gather in our Houses for House Hangouts. These are nights where each House meet’s in different locations, homes, restaurants etc. We know you live a busy life, it comes with living in Vancouver but we know when we make memories we build relationships, so we want to provide space for that to happen with your House.