This Friday we are joined by Cecelia Reekie, a member of the Langley School Division and the daughter of a residential school survivor to lead us in a conversation toward Truth & Reconciliation.
Likely, our students are coming out of a week’s worth of conversations about TRC at school, at home, online, and beyond.
The reality of our country's history can leave us feeling angry, sad, or hopeless. It might also be tempting for us to disengage from conversations out of fatigue.
What's amazing about what we get to do at CREO is that we don't exist simply to educate students, rather, In light of the truth we’ll reflect on this week we get to help each other ask our three big questions:
1. How does this impact my identity?
2. Where do I fit in this story?
3. Where am I called to help to combat this injustice?
Our hope is we can create space for us to explore the ways God has uniquely gifted and created each of us to respond. Rather than being another talk about Truth and Reconciliation in our teenagers' week, we can connect the brokenness we see around us to the people Jesus calls us to be!
We're looking forward to an impactful and meaningful time together. Sept. 29th 7-9 PM at our Mt. Pleasant site!
CREO is all about creating spaces for students to discover Christ in belonging, identity, and purpose. Follow @creoyouth on Instagram or visit for updates.