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CREO for Friday & Sunday will being a new series titled "The Thief of Everything"

Teenagers (and let's be honest, adults, too!) all have a tendency to compare themselves to others. The grades they’re getting, the people they’re dating, the friends they have, the clothes they wear, the highlight reel on their social media–it all feels like one long list of what others have that your students just don’t! In this series, we’ll help them discover that comparison not only keeps them from liking others, it steals things like joy, peace, and grace from their lives! And the further they move away from comparison and toward contentment, the more they’ll be able to love who they are just as they are! We're excited for Sam, our Mt. Pleasant Pastoral Apprentice, to kick us off this weekend!


While our weekly Friday gatherings are winding down on June 21st, we still have some exciting things planned for the summer! Details are still being finalized, but we're looking forward to a small handful of summer connect points. Dates you can keep on your calendar are July 12th & 26th, and August 9th & 23rd.

Our Sunday programming at all of our sites will continue to run. Check with your site's Youth Director for more information!

CREO is all about creating spaces for students to discover Christ in belonging, identity, and purpose. Follow @creoyouth on Instagram or visit for updates.