Slideshow image

*image: Holy Week: An Emotional Primer

What does thankful mean? Share your best thankful face. How can you use your body to show that you are thankful?
(Bonus: do you know the ASL sign for “thank you”?)

Younger kids: Read the Bible passage from the illustration above.
Older kids: Help kids open their Bibles and read Matthew 26:17-30

- What are you thankful for?
- How does it make you feel to know that Jesus felt thankful too? Discuss, draw or write about it.
- Pray together.


For kids:
- Saddleback Kids video | Last Supper 
- Kids on the Move video | What is Communion? 
- Holy Week: An Emotions Primer, author Danielle Hitchen & illustrator Jessica Blanchard

For adults:
Quick read:
- Thankfulness: The Way of Jesus, by Bill Gaultiere

Go deeper:
- The Sanctuary Course, offered for free until April 18
- The Whole Brain Child, by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.