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“We simply tied ourselves to the well-being of the community”, said Kevin Knight as he and his wife, Leakhena shared at recent Tenth Global events.  As founders of Manna4Life and Mango Tree School in Cambodia, the Knights live incarnationally in a slum community that was forcefully evicted by unjust development. Kevin’s perspective is very insightful as we live in a city with huge disparities of income and opportunity. What could it look like if we attach ourselves more proactively to our communities suffering from material or spiritual poverty? 

Thanks goes to the children of Tenth, who raised $2000 towards the addition of a Grade 5 class at Mango Tree school. Next up is Thrive Class Scholarships!

And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare. Jeremiah 29:7 NLT

Kevin and Leakhena Knight have been faithfully serving as missionaries in Cambodia for a number of years with their organization, Manna4Life. This month we were able to catch up on their visit to BC and meet their incredible new daughter, Baraka.

Learn more about Cambodia including upcoming Justice Journeys at