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Kids have a good sense of what is fair. “That’s not fair” is likely a common phrase at their age! This month we are teaching kids a big word that we often associate with fairness: JUSTICE. When kids hear the word justice, they might think about the Justice League - catching criminals, people getting what they deserve.

God’s justice, however, is not so simple. God’s justice can be defined by right relationships (Hebrew: tzadeqah) and by mercy for the vulnerable (Hebrew: mishpat). Today we might call this type of justice “social justice” or “restorative justice.” Tenth Kids will focus on God’s justice in us, as we are called to make things right in our broken world.

November memory verse:

" You must act with justice. You must love to show mercy. And you must be humble as you live in the sight of your God." Micah 6:8b

We want to partner with you this year to see a new generation of lifelong followers of Jesus! Here's what you can do at home this month:

  1. If you haven't done so already, pick up a beautiful new Family Devotional Calendar available at your site on Sundays, and follow along!
  2. Learn our ASL memory verse with Pastor Dan Matheson
  3. Sing our memory verse together: Micah 6:8 (download and sing it at home, in your car, or as you play!)