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Easter is important to me for many reasons, but one of them is that it reminds me of the first time I heard about the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus back in 1989.  I was invited to church by my older sister Corie, who had just become a follower of Jesus a year earlier. On that Easter Sunday, I was completely overwhelmed about what Jesus went through, for me!  I turned away from my sin and began a remarkable journey of receiving God’s love and forgiveness that has taken me to many challenging but meaningful places. Corie continues to be a massive influence to me in her courageous journey in life, including being a strong leader in advocating for vulnerable women.

In early March, we recognized International Women's Day and you will see some stories woven throughout this edition that honour women. Our global priorities are to support vulnerable women and children, combat human trafficking and sexual exploitation, develop leaders and create business as mission.

I am sure you will appreciate Mursal's answers to 5 important questions about women in Afghanistan. 

To capture what the Bible says about welcoming strangers, watch this short video initiated by Ann Voskamp

Be part of Tenth's Good Friday and Easter services


PS: I will be taking a 3-month sabbatical starting March 6 to spend time reading, writing, resting, and investing in family and the garden. I will be back in July.