At Tenth Church we are passionate about being a community that brings healing to the broken and seeks social justice for all. Together, we are learning an approach to mission that helps without hurting, shares without creating dependency and loves all sorts of people selflessly. This course will help you catch a vision for justice and equip you to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8). There will be a combination of biblical, theological, and practical teaching along with personal reflection, group discussion, inspiring stories, and hands-on experience gaining exposure to some of the justice work our church is doing.
This course will be run in three parts throughout the year, each part being 4 weeks:
Part 1: Oct 3 - 24
Part 2: Jan 9 - 30
Part 3: May 7 - 28
Participants are encouraged to enroll in all three parts, but we welcome everyone, even if they can only join for one or two of the parts. It is okay to join in part way through the year.
Themes will include:
Each of the three parts will have one week of hands-on experience, whether interacting with our friends in the refugee community, helping with a low-cost food market, eating with those different from you at Oasis Cafe (our community meal), or connecting with partners and missionaries overseas.
The hands-on experience will be followed up with a week of debrief, further considerations, and next steps.
If you are unable to afford the registration fee, please let us know. We do not want finances to be an obstacle for anyone who wants to participate.
Questions? Ask Jeff