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We are meant to be spent for the benefit of others.  Isaiah informs us that "if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday"  Isaiah 58:10.

What has been keeping me up at night is thinking and praying about our Cambodian friends as they wake up to a new day of further uncertainty.  

Cambodia Partners:  I have had zoom prayer meetings with some of our Cambodia partners this week as we stand with them during this globally challenging time.  I was encouraged by their faith, but I have to be honest in saying that I am concerned about what COVID-19 could do in Cambodia and this is why I am writing this now. 
I have concerns about Cambodia, but my 3 main worries at this time are:
(1) Poor hygiene habits and a lack of access to clean water and soap for millions of Cambodians with limited accurate local information.
(2) Impact COVID-19 could have on malnourished folks (especially children) and those with TB (tuberculosis) and other pre-existing health issues.
(3) Inadequate social safety nets and extremely high debt loads with high interest rates coupled with the impact of job loss – as well as the consequence of those who are unable to stop working who may be infected with the virus.

These issues are not restricted to Cambodia. I have been on zoom calls with some of the other 30 global workers we have in countries like Spain, the Philippines, and China, and they have similar concerns. 

There are 2 things we can do right now to help.

  1. Pray
  2. Give

1. PRAY: Can I encourage us to bring our prayer intentionality for Cambodia up a notch? 
2. GIVE:  Can we surround our partners with generosity by giving to Tenth’s missions funds? – Choose online giving and Cambodia Fund (for Cambodia and COVID relief), Refugee Fund, or Missions Fund.  We will evaluate ongoing needs and provide additional support when we can.  

NOTE: Not many people know this, but all that we do to stand with and support

  • Our 10 Cambodian partners
  • 30 global workers around the world
  • Local and global work with refugees
  • Mexican partners
  • Projects with the Christian and Missionary Alliance

is done by giving to the Missions Fund, the Cambodia Fund, or the Refugee Fund. 

These funds do not receive money from the General Fund (offering) at Tenth.

100% of your donations to the Missions, Cambodia, and Refugee Funds go to local and global work.

Thanks for continuing to support our partners here and beyond!

Patrick Elaschuk
Pastor of International Missions

Top picture is of a Tenth Justice Journey team having team time at Shalom Valley.

Video is an 8 second clip of Tenth Creo team doing a team building game in Siem Reap Cambodia.