Give Some Love to Cambodia

Tenth Church has walked with partners in Cambodia since 2006 by supporting, strengthening, and empowering national leaders and organizations that are making disciples to create lasting change.

Over the next 3 years, Tenth will be working with 5 of our partners to move towards more sustainability in the areas of revenue, emotional health, and human resource.

Here are a few ways you can give to Cambodia:

Give Financially
Donate to the Cambodia Fund and help our partners achieve their goals (choose "Cambodia Fund")

Give Time
Volunteer for events, join a team, or go on a Justice Journey

Learn more at upcoming global events - find out here 

Buy Just Bags
Promote a better world with your purchases 

Over the next few months you will hear stories, see videos, and learn new ways to love Cambodia through acts of kindness. 

Our goal is to raise $70,000 by December 31, 2024.

Funds will be used to build sustainable leadership and systems for:

Email Patrick Elaschuk, Pastor of International Missions at